The P6/7 children from St Bernadette’s Primary School in Tullibody who led the fundraising activities throughout the month of Lent presented Kathleen McGrath from SCIAF with a cheque for £1843.17.
Some of the activities were Wear Your Uniform Back to Front, Dress Up as Your Favourite Book Character and Walk a Mile for SCIAF, activities in which the whole school and many parents participated. Mrs McGrath was overcome with the generosity of our pupils and parents in raising this fantastic amount for a school with a role of 112. Head Teacher Mrs McElroy said, “The St. Bernadette’s community has always been generous but this year’s fundraising has exceeded all expectations particularly when you consider that the Scottish Government will double our total, taking it to £3684.34. Our children and their families, led by P6/7, have made a real difference in the lives of many people.”