The school
The headteacher is highly committed to the school. He has a clear vision about how it should move forward and is well supported by a strong senior management team and by staff. Arrangements for self-evaluation are systematic and link clearly to the continuous professional development programme for staff. The school is well supported by the Parent Council and is increasing children’s involvement in developing their school. The school improvement plan has clear and appropriate priorities. The school is very well placed to continue its improvement.
Particular strengths of the school
- The very positive atmosphere within the school.
- Strong leadership provided by the headteacher and the senior management team.
- The high quality of support for potentially vulnerable children.
- A systematic and effective approach to self-evaluation and quality improvement
The following areas for improvement have been agreed with the school and education authority:
- Continue the improvement of children’s attainment in writing and number work.
- Continue improving learners’ experiences across the school, particularly the pace of learning.
- Continue developing the curriculum to meet the wide range of children’s needs.