St Clare’s Primary School is a denominational school. It serves the Drumchapel area of Glasgow. The roll was 255 when the inspection was carried out in April 2010. Children’s attendance was below the national average in 2008/2009.
Particular strengths of the school
- Polite, well-behaved and enthusiastic learners.
- The school’s nurturing, inclusive and welcoming climate.
- Staff concern for the wellbeing of children.
- The support for children with additional support needs.
- Headteacher and staff commitment to improving the quality of children’s learning experiences.
The following areas for improvement have been with the school and education authority.
- Take forward curricular developments, taking account of Curriculum for Excellence.
- Improve aspects of attainment and challenge higher-achieving children.
- Improve self-evaluation procedures leading to improvements in achievement, learning and teaching.
- Review management team responsibilities and engage all staff in leadership for learning.