The school
St Helen’s Primary School is a denominational school with a non-denominational nursery class. It serves Condorrat and the Westfield area of Cumbernauld. The roll was 384, including 76 in the nursery, when the inspection was carried out in February 2011. Children’s attendance was in line with the national average in 2009/2010.
Particular strengths of the school
- Stimulating and enjoyable learning experiences, including children’s use of information and communications technology (ICT).
- Children who are confident, proud of their school and keen to learn.
- High-quality relationships and strong mutual respect across the whole-school community.
- Teamwork of staff in creating a positive culture of continuous improvement, under the strong leadership of the headteacher.
The following areas for improvement have been agreed with the school and education authority:
- Continue to extend children’s involvement in their own learning.
- Continue to develop clear programmes to ensure progression in children’s learning across all subjects.
- Improve the effectiveness of the contribution made by specialist learning support teachers.