St Joseph’s Primary School is a denominational school, situated in the village of Busby. It serves the Busby, Clarkston, Waterfoot and Eaglesham districts of East Renfrewshire. The roll was 348 when the inspection was carried out in January 2010. Children’s attendance was above the national average in 2007/2008.
Particular strengths of the school
- Articulate, confident and happy children who show enthusiasm for learning.
- Attainment and achievement across a wide range of subjects and experiences.
- The range of approaches in place to meet children’s learning and emotional needs.
- The impact of self-evaluation activities in improving learning experiences for children.
- The leadership of the headteacher.
- The engagement of staff and children in the life and work of the school.
The following areas for improvement have been agreed:
- Continue to maintain the pace of curricular development, taking account of Curriculum for Excellence.