Catholic Education week at St Joseph’s Primary in Helensburgh started on Education Sunday with the Head Teacher speaking to the parish congregation at Sunday Masses about the benefits of Catholic education and, more specifically, about the community of learning and faith at St Joseph’s Primary school. In addition, an invitation was extended to all parishioners to join the children at prayer in school during this Year of Faith at various monthly Masses and Rosary prayers.
All staff involved the children in activities centred on the Nicene Creed. P1 focused on the aspect of the Creed, ‘through Him all things were made’ and made pictures and drawing of their family. P2 created a promise tree whilst P3 focused on creation, (‘maker of heaven and earth’).
As P4 had recently received the sacrament of confirmation, they made and wore bracelets decorated with pictures of the saints they had chosen. P5 opted to write the Creed in a number of languages whilst P6 married their focus with their own topic of ‘Scotland’ and made paintings and drawings of the Celtic cross. P7 were on their residential visit during Catholic Education Week but their teacher kept the focus on the Nicene Creed alive through evening study of the Creed and creation, thus marrying the aspect of outdoor education. The children were in a perfect place to marvel at creation at its most beautiful in the rolling hills and waterfalls beside them.
Ultimately though, the whole school, and for the first time a good number of parishioners, gathered in the school assembly hall on 8 February for a special Mass to celebrate the end of Catholic Education Week. At the end of Mass, each class presented their learning to the whole school, parents and parish. Parents and parishioners made donations to Missio and it was explained that this donation would go towards securing a set of rosary beads for each child from Missio. Everyone commented on the special aspect of the Mass and the coming together of the school, home and parish community.