On Friday 8th November 2014, St. Joseph’s Primary School in Linlithgow celebrated their 50th Anniversary with the celebration of Mass by the Most Reverend Archbishop Leo Cushley and Father Paul Kelly, PP of St Michael’s parish. This was Archbishop Leo’s first visit to a school in the Diocese since he was installed as its eighth Archbishop .
Current pupils, parents, former pupils from St. Kentigern’s, former staff and delegates joined the celebrations. These began in June with a school production of the musical of ‘Joseph and His Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat’, showcasing the talents of pupils. The school recently held a Christmas disco for all past and present pupils and their families and have decided to mark the 50th Anniversary by creating a fruit orchard and planning a Family Fun Day into next year.
Archbishop Leo Cushley and Fr Paul Kelly in front of assembled pupils and staff of St Joseph’s PS Linlithgow.
(Left to Right) Laura Travers (Principal Teacher) Father Paul Kelly Archbishop Leo Cushley and Lisa Moore (Head Teacher).