St Kieran’s Primary School is a denominational school which serves the town of Campbeltown and the surrounding rural area. The roll was six when the inspection was carried out in November 2009. Children’s attendance was in line with the national average in 2007/2008.
Particular strengths of the school
- The positive relationships amongst all staff.
- Parents’ support for the work of the school.
The following areas for improvement are been agreed
- Increase opportunities for children to be active in their learning.
- Improve children’s achievements, including their attainment in English language and mathematics.
- Continue to develop the curriculum in line with Curriculum for Excellence.
- Improve support for children who require help in their learning, and with their social and emotional development, to ensure that their needs are fully met.
- Improve approaches to self-evaluation and use the findings more effectively to guide improvements in children’s learning and achievement.