The school
All staff are improving continually the quality of their work and children’s learning experiences in a consistent way. The headteacher has a very clear vision for improving the school and has shared it very well with parents, staff, children and the community. Through his high-quality leadership, he has developed an ethos which has enabled the quality of learning experiences and teaching approaches to be improved consistently.
All staff reflect on their work and review practice, including by sharing their work with each other, to promote high-quality teaching and continuity and progression in children’s learning. The headteacher, depute head and principal teachers regularly visit classes to evaluate learning and give helpful feedback to staff. They hold regular meetings with staff to ensure that children are making appropriate progress.
Children discuss regularly their progress with their teachers. This helps them to identify how to improve their learning. The headteacher has asked parents, staff and children for their views of the school and has used their comments to inform the school improvement plan and to help the school improve.
Key strengths of the school
- Well-behaved, confident and motivated children.
- The inclusive, nurturing ethos built on gospel values.
- Children’s continuous progress in learning and achievements.
- Strong teamwork of all staff and their successful partnerships with parents, agencies, the parish and local community.
- The impact of headteacher’s leadership on developing high-quality learning experiences.
The following areas for improvement have been agreed with the school and education authority:
- Continue to develop further the curriculum by applying Curriculum for Excellence.