St Margaret’s Primary School is a denominational school with a nursery class. It serves the town of Johnstone and the surrounding local area. The roll was 321, including 105 in the nursery when the inspection was carried out in February 2010. Children’s attendance was below the national average in 2008/2009. The headteacher has been in post since November 2009.
Particular strengths of the school
- Courteous and well-behaved children who are eager to learn.
- The welcoming and community ethos of the school.
- Children’s learning needs in the nursery are well met.
- The headteacher’s leadership in improving the work of the school.
The following areas for improvement have been agreed with the school and education authority:
- Continue to review the structure of the curriculum to ensure that children experience greater relevance and coherence in their learning.
- Ensure that all tasks and activities provide the appropriate pace and challenge to meet the learning needs of all children.
- Develop an ethos of self-evaluation which is embedded and continues to improve the quality of learning and teaching.