The school
St Mark’s RC Primary School and Nursery Class serves an area in the south of Edinburgh. There have been significant changes in staffing since the original inspection, the report on which was published in June 2010.
Particular strengths of the school
- The positive start made by the headteacher in improving the work of the school.
- Children’s increased enthusiasm for reading as a result of their involvement in literacy circles.
- The successful development of a health and wellbeing programme.
What happens next?
- There is evidence that under the leadership of the headteacher the school has begun to improve some aspects of its work since the original inspection. The school now needs to build on this work to ensure consistently high experiences for children at all stages. As a result, we will continue to engage with the school and the education authority in monitoring progress. HMIe will carry out a further follow-through visit to the school within one year of the publication of this report and will report to parents on the extent of the improvement that has been achieved.