HMIe published a report on St Martha’s Primary School in February 2008. That report set out key strengths of the school and areas for improvement. They carried out a follow-through inspection in November 2009 and published a report on that visit in February 2010.
This follow-through report is based on an inspection visit which was carried out in January 2011. It tells you about improvements since the original inspection in the quality of education which the school provides. It also comments on how the school is getting on with the main points for action.
The school
St Martha’s Primary School serves the Balornock area in the north of Glasgow. The headteacher has recently returned to the school after an extended period of absence. A second depute headteacher has now been appointed.
Particular strengths of the school
- Confident and well-behaved children and their enthusiasm for learning.
- The inclusive and supportive ethos.
- Teamwork among the management team and staff in improving children’s learning experiences.
What happens next?
There is clear evidence of improvement since the original inspection. The school is now performing better overall and is well placed to continue to improve. The arrangements for meeting learning needs and self-evaluation are now at a satisfactory level or better. HMIe will make no further visits to the school in connection with the inspection report of February 2008.