The school
St Martha’s Primary School is a denominational school which serves the area of Balornock in the north of Glasgow. Since the original inspection, the roll has increased and is now 389, including 140 children who are new to English. Children’s attendance is below the national average and has fallen recently. Children who are new to English are now supported in class instead of in the base which was previously located within the school. The headteacher has had several long periods of absence and was not present during the follow-through inspection.
The previous inspection of the school was published on 19/2/2008.
Particular strengths of the school
- Well-behaved and polite children who are keen to learn.
- Involvement of children in improving the school.
- An ethos which ensures that all within the school community are respected and valued.
St Martha’s Primary School Balornock Glasgow Follow-through 09/02/2010
What happens next?
The school has improved aspects of its work since the original inspection. There has not yet been enough improvement in the curriculum and meeting learning needs. As a result, we will continue to engage with the school and the education authority in monitoring progress. We will carry out a further follow-through visit to the school within one year of the publication of this report, and will report to parents on the extent of the improvement that has been achieved.