In St. Martin of Tours RCPS Tranent, East Lothian all classes spent time in the week prior to Catholic Education Week reflecting on the theme ‘Opening hearts and minds to God’.
Primary 1, 2 and 3 used the stories of some of the miracles of Jesus to come to a better understanding of how Jesus became man but is still truly God.
Primary 4, 5, 6 and 7 explored the beliefs professed in the Creed, which we pray during Mass. By trying to fully understand this prayer the message of ‘Credo’ – ‘I believe’ – has allowed both the pupils and teachers the opportunity to make a strong response to the aims of The Year of Faith.
Every child in the school helped to design and produce a class poster relating to this study. These were then displayed in St. Martin of Tours RC Church, Tranent at the start of Catholic Education Week so that the learning could be shared with the Church community. The posters have been admired and appreciated by many of the parishioners. The children had fun completing this work and at the same time were able to come to a better understanding of this profession of their faith.