The school
St Mary’s Primary School is a denominational school. It serves the west central area of Greenock. The roll was 252 when the inspection was carried out in May 2011. Children’s attendance was in line with the national average in 2009/2010. At the time of the inspection the headteacher had been in post for three weeks. The substantive depute headteacher had been absent for a period of months and the principal teacher, who was relatively new to the school, was undertaking the role of acting depute headteacher.
Particular strengths of the school
- Confident, enthusiastic children who create a positive atmosphere throughout the school.
- Partnerships to support and enrich children’s learning and promote their Roman Catholic faith.
- Work of the acting depute headteacher in improving how the school meets children’s needs.
- Work of all staff in maintaining positive outcomes for children through the ethos and cultural life of the school during a period of considerable change.
The following areas for improvement have been agreed with the school and education authority:
- Establish a new, ambitious vision for the school to ensure improvements in learning for all children.
- Develop a whole-school approach to taking account of Curriculum for Excellence.
- Through a new culture of self-evaluation, promote leadership for learning across the school.
- Ensure all staff contribute to their own professional development through access to professional review approaches.