St Mary’s Primary School is a denominational school. It serves the central area of Hamilton in South Lanarkshire. The roll was 275 when the inspection was carried out in April 2010. Children’s attendance was above the national average in 2008/2009. The school moved to temporary premises on another site in Hamilton in January 2010 in order to allow a new school building to be completed over the course of the next two years.
Particular strengths of the school
- Happy, confident, and well-behaved children.
- Children’s achievements, including high levels of attainment in English language and mathematics.
- Very positive relationships between all members of the school community.
- Staff teamwork and their high level of commitment to improving learning.
- Leadership of the headteacher.
The school has strong links with St Mary’s Parish and the wider community of faith. They work together in promoting shared values and citizenship within the community. Children’s achievements are celebrated regularly through assemblies, awards and displays. Children have regular opportunities for religious observance. They understand the importance of respect for others and value the strong sense of community promoted by the school’s Roman Catholic values.
The following areas for improvement have been agreed with the school and education authority:
- Continue to develop the curriculum, taking account of Curriculum for Excellence and the principles of personalisation and choice and relevance.
- Continue to increase children’s ownership of their learning.