The school
St Monica’s (Milton) Primary School is a denominational school. It serves the Milton area of Glasgow. The school is housed in high-quality accommodation. It is part of a joint campus with Miltonbank Community Nursery and a community wing providing a library, gymnasium and dance studio which children can access. The school was founded in January 2009 from the amalgamation of St Augustine’s Primary School and St Ambrose Primary School. It moved to the new building in April 2009. Two depute headteachers were appointed in April 2010. The roll was 348 when the inspection was carried out in May 2011. Children’s attendance was below the national average in 2009/2010. The catchment area served by the school includes some of the most deprived areas of Scotland
Particular strengths of the school
- Confident and friendly children who are proud of their school.
- Children’s high level of achievement.
- Staff’s commitment to providing high-quality care for children.
- Partnership working to support and enhance children’s learning, including the strong promotion of anti-sectarianism.
- The role of the headteacher in managing successfully a smooth transition to a new school.
The following areas for improvement have been agreed with the school and education authority:
- Continue to improve the strategic direction of the curriculum.
- Improve the impact of self-evaluation to ensure consistently high-quality learning experiences.
- Continue to develop a culture of shared leadership across the school.