St Mungo’s Academy is a denominational school which serves the east end of Glasgow. The roll was 720 when the inspection was carried out in February 2010. Young people’s attendance was in line with the national average in 2008/2009. Almost a third of young people attend the school as a result of parental placing requests. The catchment area served by the school includes some of the most deprived areas of Scotland.
Particular strengths of the school
- Ambitious young people who have a very positive attitude to their learning and achievements.
- The outstanding quality of relationships across the school. Staff commitment to young people’s care and welfare, within a very strong Catholic community of faith.
- The imaginative ways in which young people and staff promote health and wellbeing across the school and wider community.
- The commitment of staff to school improvement and the impact of the senior leadership team in setting high expectations of success for all young people and staff.
- The impact of the school’s partnerships with parents and the wider community on the quality of young people’s experiences.
- The outstanding leadership of the headteacher.
Shining Lights:
“Staff and young people have developed a high degree of mutual respect, built on strong Catholic values. Young people benefit from taking part in, and leading regular worship, and from opportunities for religious reflection.”
“The local parish contributes extensively to the development of faith within the school community.”
Plans for improvement:
The following areas for improvement have been agreed with the school and education authority.
- For the next stage of taking forward Curriculum for Excellence, ensure that young people build well on their prior learning and continue to be engaged in suitably challenging activities.
- Build on existing strengths in self-evaluation to keep a consistently high quality of learning and teaching across the school.