The school
St Oswald’s School is a denominational school which serves all of the south side of Glasgow. Young people who attend St Oswald’s School have a broad range of additional support needs including those with autism spectrum disorder. The roll was 85 when the inspection was carried out in June 2010. At the time of the inspection, the headteacher had recently returned after a period of secondment.
Particular strengths of the school
- Friendly, confident young people who have enjoyable and relevant learning experiences in school and in the community.
- School values which promote positive relationships and a caring and supportive ethos.
- A strong programme in education for work and enterprise and residential stays which develop young people’s life and employability skills.
- Promotion of health and wellbeing through physical activity and healthy lifestyles.
The following areas for improvement have been agreed with the school and education authority:
- With support from the local authority, develop a more strategic approach to self-evaluation and leading improvement.
- Ensure all young people are appropriately challenged and supported in their learning in classes.
- Consult young people, parents and partners more about the life and work of the school.