Rationale for the Study Pack

This material was developed by Education Scotland whose permission to reproduce it here is gratefully acknowledged.

The-Papal-Visit-2010-v2_img_2.jpgThis resource is primarily meant for use by teachers who wish to develop their understanding of the religious, social and cultutural significance of the Papal visit of Benedict XVI to the United Kingdom in September 2010.

It attempts to identify the main theological themes which he addressed during this visit, concerns which are an integral part of Benedict XVI’s teaching.  More specifically, this resource could be used in the context of continuing professional development (CPD), as part of an inset sessions, or it could even be used directly within the classroom with pupils under teacher direction.

The nine themes highlighted lend themselves to be used selectively or progressively, depending on the constraints of time or special interest. 

However, the target audience is by no means restricted to those who operate in a school environment. It could include a wider educational forum, from parish to catechetical groups, or any setting where there is a desire to study the thought of Benedict XVI and the teaching of the Catholic Church, on which he expounds, to spread everywhere the radiance and “fragrance of Christ.”[1]  Indeed, as he mentions in one of his many scholarly books and in the words of one of the Church Fathers, St Ambrose, his focus and that of the Church is invariably on Christ himself: “Let us thus conclude our Catechesis with his same words, full of love for Jesus; ‘Omnia Christus est nobis”! To us Christ is all![2]

[1] Benedict XVI, General Audience, Apostolic Journey to the United Kingdom, Saint Peter’s Square Wednesday, 22 September 2010.

[2] Benedict XVI Pope (2008) Church Fathers from Clement of Rome to Augustine, Ignatius Press, San Francisco. 126-127.


  1. To navigate through the study pack, click NEXT SECTION or the relevant section title at the bottom of the page.
  2. An extract of this resource is also available on the website of Education Scotland.
  3. Some video clips, showing interviews with people reflecting on their personal experiences of the Papal Visit, are also provided on the Education Scotland website.
  4. A paper-based version of the complete resource can be downloaded using the attachment below.

Next section > > > Background to the UK Papal Visit

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