New structures for supporting Catholic Education nationally and locally have now been established by the Bishops of Scotland. Full details can be found in documents which can be downloaded, using the links below. The main features of these structures, which build upon emerging practice, are:
- SCES is the body responsible for advising the Bishops on national strategic priorities for Catholic education in Scotland. It works in partnership with a range of groups with an interest in Catholic education.
- The SCES Executive Board supports the SCES Director in addressing national strategic priorities for Catholic education. Details of members available here.
- The Catholic Education Commission has been re-constructed to operate as a consultative body, involving a wide representation of the Catholic Education community, including teachers, parents, parish and Diocesan staff. Its main functions are to provide a forum for seeking views on issues of national significance for Catholic education so that these views can inform the strategy developed by SCES and its partners when addressing these issues. The first Commission meeting of this year will take place on the morning of Saturday 13th June 2015 in the Gillis Centre, Edinburgh.
- Diocesan Education Groups are being established to monitor and respond to local education issues, in the light of national strategies and advice offered by SCES. Their main function will be to ensure that the needs of the Diocese are being addressed appropriately, with regard to school provision, teacher recruitment and support. Each Diocese is addressing the establishment of its own strategy group within its own timeframe.