Those who teach unto justice shall shine like the stars of heaven for ever.” ( Daniel 12:3 )
The promise of the Old Testament prophet Daniel indicates the reward available to teachers who play such a fundamental role in the lives of young people.
Another translation of “justice” teaching is “teaching virtue to others”. The teacher who undertakes this role is ready to help students to make sense of their own lives and to make sense of the world, in order to improve the world around them, both locally and globally.
In a Catholic school, “teaching virtue” is defined explicitly in terms of Gospel values and is provided not only through programmes of religious education but across the whole life of the schools, in teaching programmes, in the relationships with pupils, staff and parents.
All who wish to teach in a Catholic school should be prepared to ensure that they understand the philosophy of Catholic education which is embodied in every Catholic school. This distinctive approach is expressed in A Charter for Catholic Schools in Scotland.
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