Catholic religious education
While stressing the importance of being inclusive of all learners, the introductory section of This Is Our Faith explains the distinctive purpose of religious education in the Catholic school. It […]
This Is Our Faith, the syllabus for Catholic religious education in Scotland, governs the teaching of religious education in Scotland's Catholic schools. This is the first religious education syllabus to be originated wholly in Scotland and designed to meet the needs of young people in Scotland. It was published in November 2011 by the Scottish Catholic Education Service on behalf of the Catholic Bishops of Scotland; a Senior Phase version was published in October 2015.
This is Our Faith is designed to inform teachers' understanding of the nature of the Catholic school, the purpose of religious education, the role of the teacher, the 'Strands of Faith' under which is organised the 'core learning' in faith which young people are expected to experience through their Broad General Education phase (P1 through to S3) and at the Senior Phase (S4 to S6).
This is our Faith from SCES on Vimeo.
This is Our Faith is intended to help parents, teachers, catechists and clergy ensure that young people can: develop their knowledge and understanding of Catholic faith, nurture respect for other Christian traditions and world faiths, experience opportunities for spiritual growth, acquire the skills of reflection, discernment and moral decision-making and commit to beliefs, values and actions in a positive response to God’s invitation to faith.
While stressing the importance of being inclusive of all learners, the introductory section of This Is Our Faith explains the distinctive purpose of religious education in the Catholic school. It […]
This section provides information about the 8 Strands of Faith which are used as the organisers of the experiences and outcomes in Catholic Religious Education. It will provide you with […]
PAGE UNDER CONSTRUCTION This section provides information about the teaching styles and approaches which are most suitable for the teaching of Religious Education.
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