Preparations are complete for the grand celenration of the achievements of over 1,000 young people who have used their talents to benefit others in their schools, parishes and local communities. These young people, all student in Catholic schools across Scotland – and from a variety of faith backgrounds – have been on a journey of prayer, reflection and loving service to others. They have demonstrated that their beliefs and values have had a positive impact on their communities.
The Caritas Awards Ceremony is a wonderful opportunity for families, schools and parishes to celebrate these achievements. This year’s event takes place in Glasgow’s Cyde Auditorium on Saturday 31st May 2014, from 2pm to 4.30pm. Each young person will be presented with a medal and a certificate by various distinguished guests on behalf of the Bishops’ Conference of Scotland.
Tickets for the Caritas Award Ceremony have been allocated for award recipients, family and school staff, in response to orders which we have received from schools. These tickets were posted out to schools during week beginning Monday 19th May.
Tickets for the Caritas Award Ceremony are also available for parishioners AT NO COST. Requests for these tickets should be made directly to SCES on 0141 556 4727 as soon as possible.
In the meantime we are looking forward to a joyful celebration of the achievements of almost 1,000 young people and their faith-inspired action, prayer and reflection.