About St Aloysius’ College
St Aloysius’ College is one of the leading schools in Scotland, one of eleven Jesuit schools in Britain and over two thousand Jesuit schools and 900 universities worldwide. It has just over 750 pupils across Junior and Senior schools.
The role
We are currently seeking an Organist to rehearse and accompany College Masses (Junior and Senior School) and rehearse and play for Schola masses on some Sunday’s and other occasions. In addition, you will be required to attend a minimum of two overnight visits in any calendar year and accompany at school events, including Prizegiving and at least three other Music events throughout the year. You will have no set hours of work however, you will be required to work on a number of Sunday’s and occasionally on a Saturday. A schedule of proposed engagements will be provided by your line manager but can be supplied in advance if required.
Letters of application and a completed application form (available on our website) should be emailed directly to apply@staloysius.org no later than Friday 8th September. In order to assess all candidates equally and fairly we do not accept a CV in lieu of the application form.
St Aloysius’ College places safeguarding of its pupils as its highest priority and as such the successful applicant will be subject to appropriate qualification checks and must gain membership of the Protection of Vulnerable Groups scheme. Appropriate safeguarding and safer recruitment questions will form part of the selection process
Please APPLY ONLINE using link below: