We work with a range of individual colleagues, partner associations and Church agencies in our efforts to promote and support Catholic education in Scotland. Some of this work involves discussion and consultation with officials from local Councils, the Scottish Government, Education Scotland, the Scottish Qualifications Authority and other organisations. Other work includes the development of resources and support materials for schools and parishes. The Church acknowledges and appreciates the significant contributions made by many individuals who commit their time and expertise to this important work.
We work in partnership with the following groups which are directly involved in Catholic education issues within Scotland:
Diocesan Advisers in Religious Education work to support schools in the delivery of Religious Education. They develop resources and provide in-service training for teachers.
CHAPS is the association of Catholic Head Teachers of Primary Schools in Scotland. They work closely with SCES and with other bodies to promote Catholic education in Scotland.
CHAS is the association of Catholic Head Teachers of Secondary Schools in Scotland. They work closely with SCES and with other bodies to promote Catholic education in Scotland.
Church Reps serve on Education Committees of local Councils, representing their local Bishop. They attend committee meetings and meet with Council officers to discuss local issues and developments.
The St Andrew’s Foundation in the University of Glasgow’s School of Education, carries responsibility for educating teachers for Catholic schools in Scotland. SCES works closely with University colleagues to support students who are preparing to work in Catholic schools.
We also work in partnership with others who are directly involved in Catholic education issues beyond Scotland:
The European Committee for Catholic Education (CEEC) provides a forum for the discussion of issues common to Catholic Education across European countries.