SCES has established a group of parents from across the Dioceses in Scotland to promote the active involvement of parents in their children’s education in faith. A number of resources have been developed to support parents in their family settings and to assist the work of Parent Councils in schools. The Parental Involvement Working Group (PIWG) has organised a number of Catholic School Parent Assemblies to help parents to make sense of some particular developments in Catholic schools – such as religious education, health education etc.
Our annual Gathering of Catholic Parents took place on the 21st January 2017. 10am-12pm, St. Francis Xavier Church Hall, Carfin
During this event parents had the chance to talk to each other about the matters which are important to them regarding Catholic education and discussed ways in which they contribute to the Mission of their child’s Catholic school.
Following a presentation on the work of the Parental Involvement group and an introduction to the document “Developing In Faith” , the participants took part in some group work. During this time the groups reflected on the 5 themes contained within the document and shared their thoughts.