About SCES

The Scottish Catholic Education Service (SCES) was established in August 2003 by the Bishops’ Conference of Scotland to establish and implement national policy on all educational matters on behalf of the Roman Catholic Bishops of Scotland.

While the Bishop of each Diocese is responsible for setting education policy to suit the needs of the Catholic community within the local diocesan context, there are broad issues of national significance on which all the Dioceses agree general policy principles, as advised by SCES. We work within the parameters of these national issues to offer support to schools, parishes and Dioceses. 

Our Values

SCES is committed to exemplify Christian life-affirming values and to show respect for the dignity of each person, gifted with life worthy of development from creation into eternity.  We strive to find common ground with all parties who are committed to this vision of Education for Life.

We aim to:

  • articulate and communicate a vision for Catholic education
  • develop and implement strategic plans for the development of Catholic education in Scotland
  • support parents as first educators of their children
  • promote the achievements of Catholic schools
  • support teachers in their work as faith witnesses
  • develop appropriate CPD courses and materials for teachers
  • develop effective links with major partners
  • encourage research into issues relating to Catholic education.

Module 4: Laudato Si’ and our children

Module 4: Laudato Si’ and our children 23 September 2020 16h-16h45 Join us for our final CLPL Module that introduces practical resources available to support Laudato Si’ learning for both primary and secondary school pupils. Free Online Course –

Module 3: Laudato Si’ and our Christian responsibility

Module 3: Laudato Si’ and our Christian responsibility 16 September 2020 16h-16h30 Hosted by SCES director, Barbara Coupar, this third CLPL Module will look at the new Laudato Si’ Schools Scotland program and the ways that our Christian identity infor

Module 2: Laudato Si’-More than the environment!

Module 2: Laudato Si’-More than the environment! 9 September 2020 16h-16h30 This second CLPL Module explores intersectional themes covered by Laudato Si’ that go beyond the basics of climate change. We will look at case studies from partners both dome

Module 1: What is Laudato Si’?

Module 1: What is Laudato Si’? 2 September 2020 16h-16h30 The first of four CLPL Modules designed especially for educators, SCIAF Development Education Officers provide an introduction to Laudato Si’ with a special focus on how to connect key principa

Breaking Open the relationship between Faith and Reason

Target group: Catholic Secondary non-specialist R.E. Teachers Aims To explore a key theme underpinning aspects of This Is Our Faith – Senior Phase Presenter To be confirmed Provider Diocesan R.E. Advisers Venue: Conforti Institute, Calder Avenue, Co

Commissioning Service for Caritas Award

Liturgical service led by Bishop Toal to commission Caritas Award  pupils to fulfil their mission of faith witness in their school and parish Our Lady of Good Aid Cathedral Coursington Road Motherwell ML1 1PP

Meeting of Church representatives on Parent Councils

Opportunity for nominated parish representatives on school Parent Councils to gather together for input and training on the latest relevant developments within education Motherwell Diocesan Centre, Coursington Road Motherwell ML1 1PP

Breaking Open the Mystery of the Trinity

Target group: Catholic Secondary non-specialist R.E. Teachers Aims: To explore one key theme underpinning This Is Our Faith – Senior Phase Presenter Rev. Fr. Stephen Reilly Provider Diocesan R.E. Advisers Venue: Conforti Institute, Calder Avenue, Co

Meeting of Caritas Parish Co-ordinators

Caritas Parish Co-ordinator training to support those leading the Caritas award within the parish, helping them to find out more about the award including: the Gathering Points the journal faith witness expectations and assessment criteria Parishes Mother

Caritas Award Ceremony 2016

The Caritas Award Ceremony celebrates the achievements of over 1,000 young people who have committed their talent to faith-inspired actions in support of others in the past school year.  The ceremony takes place in the SECC Clyde Auditorium Glasgow on Mo

Diocese of Dunkeld Education Mass

The Diocese of Dunkeld will celebrate its Education Mass in St Andrew’s Cathedral, 150 Nethergate, Dundee, DD1 4EA on Thursday 2nd June 2016

Diocese of Galloway Mass for Teachers

There will be a Mass to acknowledge the work of those involved in Catholic Education in Dumfries and Galloway in St Andrew’s and St Cuthbert’s Church, Kirkcudbright, on Tuesday 31 May at 17.00 It will be followed by a buffet in the church hall

Motherwell Primary Head Teachers’ Conference

The annual Conference for Primary Head Teachers in the Diocese of Motherwell takes place on 26th May 2016.  Among the speakers will be Rt Rev Joseph Toal, Bishop of Motherwell, Michael McGrath, SCES Director, and Professor Tony Finn.

Diocese of Galloway CHAPS Meeting

The annual meeting of the Diocese of Galloway CHAPS Association will take place in Our Lady and St. Patrick Sorn Road Auchinleck KA18 2HR on Wednesday 18th May. AGENDA 1.00 pm – 1.30 pm                    Arrival  Tea/Coffee and light lunc

Exploring Catholicism 8 – Our Lady

Target group: Primary & Secondary teachers Aims: To present the central beliefs of Catholicisim, as found in the Catechism of the Catholic Church and other sources Presenter: Fr Joseph Lappin Provider Archdiocese of Glasgow Venue: St Thomas Aquinas Se

Pope Francis Faith Award Parish Liaison Support

Parish liasion supporters are invited to come along to find out more about the Pope Francis Faith Award, have a chance to review resources the children will be using in school and to share good practice and ideas of how to support the Pope Francis Faith a

Secondary Head Teachers’ Conference 2016

The 2016 CHAS Conference takes as its theme: “Upholding the Charter: Social Justice for All”.  It takes place on 3rd & 4th May 2016 in the Crieff Hydro Hotel.  Speakers include: Graham Logan, Austin Lafferty, Archbishop Philip Tartaglia,

Pope Francis Faith Award – Support Meeting 3

Target group: Teachers who are involved with PFFA Aims: To offer support and share good practice, in relation to assessment Presenter: Claire O’Neill Provider Diocese of Motherwell Venue: Motherwell Diocesan Centre Date: 28th April 2016 Cost: Nil Bo

Called to Teach in a Catholic School?

An interesting learning opportunity has been arranged for those interested in teaching or seeking promoted posts in Catholic schools.  Stirling Council, Clackmannanshire Council and the Scottish Catholic Education Service are working in partnership to 

Setting Out on the Road Course Recall Day

Target group: Participants in the Setting Out on the Road course (started July 2015) Aims: To offer support and advice on course progress and to provide an opportunity to meet with Course Tutors Presenter: Various Provider SCES Venue: Archdiocese of Glasg

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  • Location: Archdiocese of Glasgow

Day for Primary NQTs

Target group: NQTs in Catholic primary schools Aims: To provide support and advice for NQTs on TIOF and God’s Loving Plan Presenter: Claire O’Neill Provider Diocese of Motherwell Venue: NLC school to be confirmed Date: 16th March 2016 Cost: £

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  • Location: Motherwell Diocesan Centre

Pope Francis Faith Award Verification Paisley

A PFFA Verification meeting will take place in St Mirin’s Hall, Cathedral Precincts, Incle Street, PAISLEY PA1 1HR on Tuesday 15th March from 3pm to 5pm.  The purpose of this meeting is to ensure consistency of standards in the assessment of evid

This Is Our Faith – Primary 7

Target group: Primary 7 NQTs and teachers who have changed stages Aims: To explore units and resources in P7 Presenter: Claire O’Neill Provider Diocese of Motherwell Venue: to be confirmed Date: 10th March 2016 Cost: £15 Booking contact Bill Doran

Sacrament of Confirmation – the liturgy

Target group: ALL Primary 7 teachers or a representative from each school Aims: Session 3 will support teachers to prepare for  liturgy of the Sacrament of Confirmation Presenter: Rana Keane Provider Diocese of Paisley Venue: All Saints Primary School,

Pope Francis Faith Award Verification Linlithgow

A PFFA Verification meeting will take place in St. Michael’s Catholic Church Hall Blackness Road LINLITHGOW EH49 7JA on Wednesday 9th March 2016 from 1pm to 3pm.  The purpose of this meeting is to ensure consistency of standards in the assessment

Sacrament of Confirmation – the liturgy

Target group: ALL Primary 7 teachers or a representative from each school Aims: Session 3 will support teachers to prepare for  liturgy of the Sacrament of Confirmation Presenter: Rana Keane Provider Diocese of Paisley Venue: Diocesan Centre Paisley Da

Pope Francis Faith Award Verification Motherwell

A PFFA Verification meeting will take place in St Bride’s Hall Coursington Road MOTHERWELL ML1 1PP on Thursday 3rd March 2016 from 1pm to 3pm.  The purpose of this meeting is to ensure consistency of standards in the assessment of evidence submitte

Breaking Open Church Documents

Target group: Catholic Secondary non-specialist R.E. Teachers Aims To explore a key theme underpinning This Is Our Faith – Senior Phase Presenter Rev. Fr. Joe Lappin Provider Diocesan R.E. Advisers Venue: St Bride’s Hall Coursington Road, MOT

Pope Francis Faith Award Verification Dundee

A PFFA Verification meeting will take place in the St Ninian’s Institute , 24-28 Lawside Road Dundee DD3 6XY on Tuesday 1st March 2016 from 1pm to 3pm.  The purpose of this meeting is to ensure consistency of standards in the assessment of evidenc

Gonzaga Lecture by Lord David Alton

The 2016 Gonzaga Lectures, organised by St Aloysius’ College, reflect the theme ‘Celebrating the Year of Mercy’.   On Friday 26th February Lord David Alton will lecture on:   The Mercy Factory:   Catholic Education and  the Fight

Sacramental Preparation for Confirmation – SLC schools

Target group: SLC teachers preparing children for Sacrament of Confirmation Aims: To provide support and advice for teachers preparing children for Sarament of Confirmation for first time Presenter: Claire O’Neill Provider Diocese of Motherwell Venu

Transitions in Religious Education

Target group: Teachers & PTs Religious Education Aims: To consider transition issues between primary & secondary schools, from Broad General Education to the Senior Phase Presenter: Barbara Coupar Provider Diocese of Motherwell Venue: Motherwell D

Sacrament of the Eucharist

Target group: Teachers NEW to Primary 4 Aims: Session 2 will support teachers NEW to Primary 4 to prepare children for the Sacrament of the Eucharist Presenter: Rana Keane Provider Diocese of Paisley Venue: Diocesan Centre Paisley Date & Time: 23rd F

Gonzaga Lecture by Lord Maurice Glasman

The 2016 Gonzaga Lectures, organised by St Aloysius’ College, reflect the theme ‘Celebrating the Year of Mercy’.   On Monday 22nd February Lord Maurice Glasman will lecture on:   Foundations of Mercy?   Catholic Social Teaching and

Sacramental Preparation for Confirmation – NLC schools

Target group: NLC teachers preparing children for Sacrament of Confirmation Aims: To provide support and advice for teachers preparing children for Sarament of Confirmation for first time Presenter: Claire O’Neill Provider Diocese of Motherwell Venu

Lent Reflection Service for Teachers

A time of prayer and reflection for teachers on the season of Lenten preparation for the celebration of Easter. St Andrew’s Cathedral, Clyde Street Gasgow G1 4JY Wednesday 17th February 2016 7pm to 9pm

Exploring Catholicism 6 – Holy Mass

Target group: Primary & Secondary teachers Aims: To present the central beliefs of Catholicisim, as found in the Catechism of the Catholic Church and other sources Presenter: Fr Joseph Lappin Provider Archdiocese of Glasgow Venue: St Thomas Aquinas Se

Gonzaga Lecture by Bishop Hugh Gilbert

The 2016 Gonzaga Lectures, organised by St Aloysius’ College, reflect the theme ‘Celebrating the Year of Mercy’.   On Tuesday 16th February Bishop Hugh Gilbert OSB will lecture on:   Mercy and Sin: a Theological Reflection Each event t

This Is Our Faith – Primary 6

Target group: Primary 6 NQTs and teachers who have changed stages Aims: To explore units and resources in P6 Presenter: Claire O’Neill Provider Diocese of Motherwell Venue: to be confirmed Date: 11th February 2016 Cost: £15 Booking contact Bill Dor

Cardinal Winning Education Lecture 2016

St Andrew’s Foundation for Catholic Teacher Education presents  Annual Cardinal Winning Lecture Catholic Education: A Theological Project by Professor Tracey Rowland (Dean & Permanent Fellow of the John Paul II Institute for Marriage and Family (M

Edinburgh Catholic Schools Transition Mass

The annual Mass to celebrate the transition of pupils from Edinburgh Catholic primary schools to secondary schools will take place in St Mary’s Cathedral Edinburgh on Wednesday 3rd February at 11.15am.

Sacrament of Confirmation – the core learning

Target group: Teachers NEW to Primary 7 Aims: To continue to develop an understanding of new Diocesan guidelines for celebrating the Sacrament of Confirmation Presenter: Rana Keane Provider Diocese of Paisley Venue: All Saints Primary School, Greenock Da

Sacrament of the Eucharist

Target group: Teachers NEW to Primary 4 Aims: Session 2 will support teachers NEW to Primary 4 to prepare children for the Sacrament of the Eucharist Presenter: Rana Keane Provider Diocese of Paisley Venue: All Saints Primary School, Greenock Date &

Diocese of Motherwell Annual Education Mass

Bishop Joseph Toal of the Diocese of Motherwell invites teachers, students, parents and anyone involved in education to the celebration of Mass in Our Lady of Good Aid Cathedral on Wednesday 27th January 2016 at 7.30pm.  Following Mass there will be a

Sacrament of Confirmation – the core learning

Target group: Teachers NEW to Primary 7 Aims: To continue to develop an understanding of new Diocesan guidelines for celebrating the Sacrament of Confirmation Presenter: Rana Keane Provider Diocese of Paisley Venue: Diocesan Centre Paisley Date & Tim

Sacramental Preparation for Eucharist – SLC schools

Target group: SLC teachers preparing children for Sacrament of Eucharist Aims: To provide support and advice for teachers preparing children for Sarament of Eucharistfor first time Presenter: Claire O’Neill Provider Diocese of Motherwell Venue: scho

Extraordinary Year of Mercy

Target group: Teachers of Primary classes 5, 6 & 7 Aims: To consider the teaching of Pope Francis in this Extraordinary Year of Mercy and to identify its impact on approaches to the Sacrament of Reconciliation for pupils in Primary classes 5, 6

Diocese of Motherwell PTs R.E. Business Meeting

Target group: Diocese of Motherwell PTs Religious Education Aims: To review a range of relevant issues Presenter: Barbara Coupar Provider Diocese of Motherwell Venue: Motherwell Diocesan Centre Date: 19th January 2016 Cost: Nil Booking contact Bill Doran

Exploring Catholicism 5 – The Sacraments

Target group: Primary & Secondary teachers Aims: To present the central beliefs of Catholicisim, as found in the Catechism of the Catholic Church and other sources Presenter: Fr Joseph Lappin Provider Archdiocese of Glasgow Venue: St Thomas Aquinas Se

Extraordinary Year of Mercy

Target group: Teachers of Primary classes 5, 6 & 7 Aims: To consider the teaching of Pope Francis in this Extraordinary Year of Mercy and to identify its impact on approaches to the Sacrament of Reconciliation for pupils in Primary classes 5, 6

Business Meeting 2 for PTs of R.E. – Glasgow

Target group: PTs of Religious Education in Archdicoese of Glasgow Aims: To provide support and advice for PTs R.E. Presenter: R.E. Department Team Provider Archdiocese of Glasgow Venue: Our Lady of Good Counsel Parish Hall, 75 Craigpark Glasgow G31 2HD D

Sacramental Preparation for Eucharist – NLC schools

Target group: NLC teachers preparing children for Sacrament of Eucharist Aims: To provide support and advice for teachers preparing children for Sacrament of Eucharist for first time Presenter: Claire O’Neill Provider Diocese of Motherwell Venue: NL

Exploring Catholicism 4 – The Church

Target group: Primary & Secondary teachers Aims: To present the central beliefs of Catholicisim, as found in the Catechism of the Catholic Church and other sources Presenter: Fr Joseph Lappin Provider Archdiocese of Glasgow Venue: St Thomas Aquinas Se

[Just] Into Catholic Headship

Target group: All who are recent appointments as Head Teachers in Catholic schools Aims: To explore issues of particular interest to Catholic Head Teachers Presenter: Archbishop Tartaglia, Michael McGrath, various contributors Provider SCES Venue: Conf

Advent Reflection Service for Teachers

A time of prayer and reflection for teachers on the season of Advent in preparation for the celebration of Our Lord’s Birth. St Andrew’s Cathedral, Clyde Street Gasgow G1 4JY Monday 7th December 2015 7pm to 9pm

This Is Our Faith – Primary 5

Target group: Primary 5 NQTs and teachers who have changed stages Aims: To explore units and resources in P5 Presenter: Claire O’Neill Provider Diocese of Motherwell Venue: to be confirmed Date: 3rd December 2015 Cost: £15 Booking contact Bill Dora

Catholic Education and Culture: Challenges and Opportunities

Catholic Education and Culture: Challenges and Opportunities a lecture by Francis Campbell, Principal, St.Mary’s University, London on Thursday 3rd December 2015 at 5pm in Sir Charles Wilson Lecture Theatre, University Avenue, Glasgow G12 8QQ organised

“Not at Home for Christmas”

Target group: This twilight event will provide an opportunity in Advent for reflection on the plight of Refugees & Asylum Seekers, aimed at teachers in primary and secondary schools. Aims: This session models practical activities that can be used w

Sacramental Preparation for Reconciliation – SLC schools

Target group: SLC teachers preparing children for Sarament of Reconciliation Aims: To provide support and advice for teachers preparing children for Sarament of Reconciliation for first time Presenter: Claire O’Neill Provider Diocese of Motherwell

Teaching God’s Loving Plan in P6 & P7

Target group: Teachers NEW to Primary 6 & 7 Aims: To share the vision of God’s Loving Plan with a focus on P6 & 7; to support planning of learning & teaching; to identify and respond to classroom issues Presenter: Rana Keane Provider D

Teaching God’s Loving Plan in P6 & P7

Target group: Teachers NEW to Primary 6 & 7 Aims: To share the vision of God’s Loving Plan with a focus on P6 & 7; to support planning of learning & teaching; to identify and respond to classroom issues Presenter: Rana Keane Provider D

Research Seminar: Masters Level Teacher Education

Target group: All interested Aims: To explore dimensions of Masters Level Teacher Education Presenter: Dr Robert Doherty (UoG School of Education) Provider St Andrew’s Foundation for Catholic Teacher Education Venue: University of Glasgow St Andrew

Pope Francis Faith Award – Support Meeting 2

Target group: Teachers who are involved with PFFA Aims: To offer support and share good practice Presenter: Claire O’Neill Provider Diocese of Motherwell Venue: Motherwell Diocesan Centre Date: 18th November 2015 Cost: Nil Booking contact Bill Doran

Opening Up The Gospels – twilight sessions

Target group: Teachers in cluster groups of Primary schools of Archdiocese of St Andrews & Edinburgh Aims: To explore the teaching of specific Gospels used in different stages of This Is Our Faith – e.g., the Gospel of Mark in P5 Presenter: Pa

Implementing Senior Phase R.E.

Target group: Teachers & PTs Religious Education Aims: To explore units and resources created by school colleagues to support the core learning of R.E. at the Senior Phase Presenter: Barbara Coupar Provider Diocese of Motherwell Venue: Motherwell Dioc

God’s Loving Plan – Primary 7

Target group: Primary 7 Teachers Aims: To explore units and resources in P7 Planner Presenter: Claire O’Neill Provider Diocese of Motherwell Venue: Motherwell Diocesan Centre Date: 11th November 2015 Cost: Nil Booking contact Bill Doran williamdoran

Exploring Catholicism 3 – Revelation: the Trinity

Target group: Primary & Secondary teachers Aims: To present the central beliefs of Catholicisim, as found in the Catechism of the Catholic Church and other sources Presenter: Fr Joseph Lappin Provider Archdiocese of Glasgow Venue: St Thomas Aquinas Se

God’s Loving Plan – the vision

Target group: Newly-appointed Senior Staff in Primary schools Aims: To share the vision of God’s Loving Plan within the context of Church teaching and school curriculum guidelines; to support staff in developing action plans for implementation Pre

ANNOUNCE Conference

Target group: All interested in Christian Mission Aims: To proclaim an understanding of Mission in Christian life Presenter: various Provider Missio Scotland Venue: Conforti Centre, Coatbridge ML5 4JS Date & Time: 7th November 2015; 10am – 4p

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  • Location: Conforti Institute Coatbridge

God’s Loving Plan – Primary 6

Target group: Primary 6 Teachers Aims: To explore units and resources in P6 Planner Presenter: Claire O’Neill Provider Diocese of Motherwell Venue: Motherwell Diocesan Centre Date: 5th November 2015 Cost: Nil Booking contact Bill Doran williamdoran@

Launch of This Is Our Faith – Senior Phase

Secondary Head Teachers, Heads of R.E. Departments and Diocesan R.E. staff are invited to the Launch of This Is Our Faith – Senior Phase in the Emirates Arena Glasgow on Thursday 29th October from 10.30am to 12.30pm. Since the 2011 publication of Th

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  • Location: Emirates Arena Glasgow

Gravissimum Educationis – 50 years on

Target group: Primary and Secondary Teachers Aims: To explore the main themes of Catholic Education, as found in GE and to consider their impact on Catholic education in Scotland Presenter: Dr Leonard Franchi Provider Archdiocese of Glasgow Venue: to be c

Sacrament of Reconciliation

Target group: Teachers NEW to Primary 4 Aims: To support teachers NEW to Primary 4 to prepare children for celebrating the Sacrament of Reconciliation Presenter: Rana Keane Provider Diocese of Paisley Venue: All Saints Primary School, Greenock Date &am

Sacrament of Reconciliation

Target group: Teachers NEW to Primary 4 Aims: To support teachers NEW to Primary 4 to prepare children for celebrating the Sacrament of Reconciliation Presenter: Rana Keane Provider Diocese of Paisley Venue: Diocesan Centre Paisley Date & Time: 27t

This Is Our Faith – Primary 4

Target group: Primary 4 NQTs and teachers who have changed stages Aims: To explore units and resources in P4 Presenter: Claire O’Neill Provider Diocese of Motherwell Venue: to be confirmed Date: 22nd October 2015 Cost: £15 Booking contact Bill Dora

God’s Loving Plan – Primary 4

Target group: Primary 4 Teachers Aims: To explore units and resources in P4 Planner Presenter: Claire O’Neill Provider Diocese of Motherwell Venue: Motherwell Diocesan Centre Date: 21st October 2015 Cost: Nil Booking contact Bill Doran williamdoran@

God’s Loving Plan – Primary 5

Target group: Primary 5 Teachers Aims: To explore units and resources in P5 Planner Presenter: Claire O’Neill Provider Diocese of Motherwell Venue: Motherwell Diocesan Centre Date: 28th October 2015 Cost: Nil Booking contact Bill Doran williamdoran@

Exploring Catholicism 2 – Revelation: Jesus

Target group: Primary & Secondary teachers Aims: To present the central beliefs of Catholicisim, as found in the Catechism of the Catholic Church and other sources Presenter: Fr Joseph Lappin Provider Archdiocese of Glasgow Venue: St Thomas Aquinas Se

This Is Our Faith – Primary 3

Target group: Primary 3 NQTs and teachers who have changed stages Aims: To explore units and resources in P3 Presenter: Claire O’Neill Provider Diocese of Motherwell Venue: to be confirmed Date: 8th October 2015 Cost: £15 Booking contact Bill Doran

Breaking Open Catholic Social Teaching

Target group: Catholic Secondary non-specialist R.E. Teachers Aims To explore a key theme underpining This Is Our Faith – Senior Phase Presenter To be confirmed Provider Diocesan R.E. Advisers Venue: Conforti Institute, Calder Avenue, Coatbridge ML5

Sacrament of Confirmation – rite of enrolment

Target group: Teachers NEW to Primary 7 Aims: To introduce Diocesan guidelines for celebrating the Sacrament of Confirmation Presenter: Rana Keane Provider Diocese of Paisley Venue: All Saints Primary School, Greenock Date & Time: 7th October 2015;

Called to Love

Target group: Secondary Teachers of R.E. teaching Called to Love for the first time or wishing a refresher Aims: To explore the Called to Love programme and resources Presenter: Natalie Finnigan Provider Archdiocese of Glasgow Venue: Eyre Hall, Archdioces

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  • Location: Archdiocese of Glasgow

Sacrament of Confirmation – rite of enrolment

Target group: Teachers NEW to Primary 7 Aims: To introduce Diocesan guidelines for celebrating the Sacrament of Confirmation Presenter: Rana Keane Provider Diocese of Paisley Venue: Diocesan Centre Paisley Date & Time: 6th October 2015; 1.15 –

This Is Our Faith – Primary 2

Target group: Primary 2 NQTs and teachers who have changed stages Aims: To explore units and resources in P2 Presenter: Claire O’Neill Provider Diocese of Motherwell Venue: to be confirmed Date: 1st October 2015 Cost: £15 Booking contact Bill Doran

God’s Loving Plan – Primary 3

Target group: Primary 3 Teachers Aims: To explore units and resources in P3 Planner Presenter: Claire O’Neill Provider Diocese of Motherwell Venue: Motherwell Diocesan Centre Date: 30th September 2015 Cost: Nil Booking contact Bill Doran williamdora

Chaplaincy Teams and Preparation of Sacred Liturgy in Schools

Target group: Chaplaincy Teams & staff responsible for school liturgy Aims: To consider the nature of Holy Mass and to share good practice on its organisation within a school setting Presenter: R.E. Department Team Provider Archdiocese of Glasgow Venu

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  • Location: Archdiocese of Glasgow

Briefing for Schools commencing Pope Francis Faith Award

Target group: Co-ordinators of Pope Francis Faith Award starting in August 2015 Aims: To review arrangements for award and to distribute resources Presenter Michael McGrath, Barbara Coupar & Liz Dornan Provider SCES Date & Time: Tuesday 29th Septe

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  • Location: SCES Offices Glasgow

Diocese of Motherwell PTs RE Business Meeting

Target group: Diocese of Motherwell PTs Religious Education Aims: To review a range of relevant issues Presenter: Barbara Coupar Provider Diocese of Motherwell Venue: Motherwell Diocesan Centre Date: 24th September 2015 Cost: Nil Booking contact Bill Dora

This Is Our Faith – Primary 1

Target group: Primary 1 NQTs and teachers who have changed stages Aims: To explore units and resources in P1 Presenter: Claire O’Neill Provider Diocese of Motherwell Venue: to be confirmed Date: 24th September 2015 Cost: £15 Booking contact Bill Do

God’s Loving Plan in Primary 2

Target group: Primary 2 Teachers Aims: To explore units and resources in P2 Planner Presenter: Claire O’Neill Provider Diocese of Motherwell Venue: Motherwell Diocesan Centre Date: 23rd September 2015 Cost: Nil Booking contact Bill Doran williamdora

Business Meeting 1 for PTs of R.E. – Glasgow

Target group: PTs of Religious Education in Archdicoese of Glasgow Aims: To provide support and advice for PTs R.E. Presenter: R.E. Department Team Provider Archdiocese of Glasgow Venue: Our Lady of Good Counsel Parish Hall, 75 Craigpark Glasgow G31 2HD D

God’s Loving Plan in Primary 1

Target group: Primary 1 Teachers Aims: To explore units and resources in P1 Planner Presenter: Claire O’Neill Provider Diocese of Motherwell Venue: Motherwell Diocesan Centre Date: 16th September 2015 Cost: Nil Booking contact Bill Doran williamdora

Catholic School NQT Day

Target group: NQT teachers in Catholic schools Aims: To provide an induction for NQTs on the vocation of teaching in a Catholic school Presenter: R.E. Department Team Provider Archdiocese of Glasgow Venue: Eyre Hall, Archdiocesan Offices, 196 Clyde Street

Pope Francis Faith Award – Support Meeting 1

Target group: Teachers who are new to PFFA Aims: To offer support and share good practice Presenter: Claire O’Neill Provider Diocese of Motherwell Venue: Motherwell Diocesan Centre Date: 15th September 2015 Cost: Nil Booking contact Bill Doran willi

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  • Location: Motherwell Diocesan Centre

Exploring Catholicism 1 – The Creed: “I believe”

Target group: Primary & Secondary teachers Aims: To present the central beliefs of Catholicisim, as found in the Catechism of the Catholic Church and other sources Presenter: Fr Joseph Lappin Provider Archdiocese of Glasgow Venue: St Thomas Aquinas Se

God’s Loving Plan – 15th September 2015

Target group: NQTs and teachers new or returning to Catholic schools Aims: To support teachers in implementing God’s Loving Plan effectively in their classrooms Presenter: Rana Keane Provider Diocese of Paisley Venue: All Saints Primary School Gre

DHT Retreat: “Merciful Like the Father”

Target group: Depute Head Teachers in Catholic secondary schools Aims: To support and affirm Depute Head Teachers in their work Presenter: Fr John Sweeney Provider CHAS Venue: Conforti Centre, Coatbridge ML5 4JS Date & Time: 11th September 2015; 12

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  • Location: Conforti Institute Coatbridge

Introduction to teaching in a Catholic School

Target group: NQT teachers and those appointed to a Catholic school for first time Aims: To provide support and advice for NQTs on teaching in a Catholic school Presenter: R.E. Department Team Provider Archdiocese of Glasgow Venue: Eyre Hall, Archdiocesan

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  • Location: Archdiocese of Glasgow

CHAPS National Conference

Target Group: Head Teachers in Catholic Primary Schools Date: 3rd & 4th September 2015 Time: 10.00 to 3.15pm Aims To explore the theme: “Renewing Our Vocation as Catholic School Leaders” Presenter various: Bishop Stephen Robson, PatriciaW

God’s Loving Plan – 1st September 2015

Target group: NQTs and teachers new or returning to Catholic schools Aims: To support teachers in implementing God’s Loving Plan effectively in their classrooms Presenter: Rana Keane Provider Diocese of Paisley Venue: Diocesan Centre Paisley Date

Meeting of Caritas Award Co-ordinators

Target group: Meeting of Caritas Award Co-ordinators Aims: To review arrangements for session 2015-16 and to distribute resources Presenter Michael McGrath & Barbara Coupar Provider SCES Venue: Conforti Institute, Calder Avenue, Coatbridge ML5 4JS Cos

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  • Location: SCES Offices Glasgow

Enhancing Primary R.E.

Target group: NQTs Aims: To support NQTs in implementing This Is Our Faith effectively in their classrooms Presenter: Rana Keane Provider Diocese of Paisley Venue: All Saints Primary School Greenock Date & Time: 26th August 2015; 3.30 – 5.30pm C

Enhancing Primary R.E.

Target group: NQTs Aims: To support NQTs in implementing This Is Our Faith effectively in their classrooms Presenter: Rana Keane Provider Diocese of Paisley Venue: Diocesan Cente Paisley Date & Time: 25th August 2015; 3.30 – 5.30pm Cost: nil Boo

MARRIAGE MATTERS – deanery twilight sessions

Target group: Teachers in cluster groups of Primary schools of Archdiocese of St Andrews & Edinburgh Aims: To explore Church teaching on Marriage in the year of the Synod on Marriage and Family life and in the context of God’s Loving Plan Pres

Do Something Amazing….with NET

Are you 18-30? Do you love God? Do you desire to learn more about your faith? Do you want to live the “joy of the Gospel”? Do something amazing! Come to this event and help to challenge young Catholics to know Jesus and embrace the life of the

Catholic Education Commission Open Forum June 2015

Developing Catholic Teachers and School Leaders to ensure the future of Scotland’s Catholic schools How are teachers being recruited, educated and supported to work in Catholic schools? Members of the Scottish Catholic community – parents, teacher

Breaking Open the Sacraments

Target: Catholic Secondary R.E. Teachers Aims Exploring key themes from the Senior Phase of TIOF Presenter Barbara Coupar Provider Diocese of Motherwell Venue: Conforti Institute, Calder Avenue, Coatbridge ML5 4JS Cost £65 Contact William Doran  william

CONSCIENCE MATTERS – deanery twilight sessions

Target group: Teachers in cluster groups of Primary schools of Archdiocese of St Andrews & Edinburgh Aims: To explore understanding about the formation of conscience which appears as an important issue throughout This Is Our Faith – esp., in P